Three Things You Need To Know Before Asking About Tattoo Prices


When it comes to getting a tattoo, the last thing you’re usually thinking about is tattoo prices. You’re too busy thinking about where the giant dragon will go or how many family portraits & Roman numerals you can adorn your body with, right? No one really wants to worry about how much money they have to pay for their art. It’s art, man. But as with any business, tattoo studios and artists do need to get paid for their time, and that inevitably means having to “talk turkey seoul tattoo“.

But what do you even ask? It turns out that many tattoo studios don’t have prices readily available as much of the work they’ll end up doing will be custom work. Even if they do attach a basic price to lettering or some type of decorative design, there will undoubtedly be someone who will want a flourish, and there will come a custom price with that change. This means that the interaction between the artist and the prospective client is pretty important when it comes to ironing out the price that’s wanted for a particular design.

It’s important to note though, that not all tattoo studios operate this way, and every studio you walk into will have its own thing going on. This means that there’s really a lot of responsibility on you to really try to find the tattoo studio that’s right for you.

Now, let’s say that all things aside, you’ve got the studio you want and the artist you want to work with, right? You know have to start thinking about what factors will have to be considered when it comes to determining the final price of your tattoo. While not the only ones, here are three things you definitely need to keep in mind:

Budget — Anytime you plan to spend money, you need to know how much money you can spend. It does you no good trying to work off of a budget that you can’t afford in the first place.

Placement/Size/Design — Where on your body you want your tattoo, how big/small it is, and what it looks like all are major factors in the cost department. When you see little cute designs that look fairly simple in nature, chances are they’re pretty afford